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New Album from 5 x Vuust

I april 2022 udkom albummet “Further to fly” af 5 x Vuust.Albummet er en hyldest til Paul Simon og indeholder både de helt kendte klassikere som “Scarborough Fair” og “American Tune”, men også flere af de lidt mindre kendte numre. Alle sangene har fået et helt nyt liv i det smukke og funky jazzunivers, som 5 x Vuust præsenterer dem i.

It is no coincidence that 5 x Vuust has chosen Paul Simon as inspiration for their first release. The songs have been a common source of inspiration and followed the family from childhood, so what was more natural than meeting around interpretations and arrangements of Simon in the element where all five belong – jazz.
The concert is also the release of 5 x Vuust’s first album Further to Fly, recorded in January this year.

Gaffa har givet et flot anmeldelse og 5 stjerner. Læs med her:…/anmeldelse-paul-simons-sange…/

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